Sow a seed and reap a harvest beyond measure. Plant a word and unravel unexpected treasures.

Shell’s Singapore Divestment: A new era for Singapore’s heavy industries?

The recent news of Shell’s decision to sell its Energy and Chemicals Park (SECP) in Singapore has generated significant attention …

Marketing with Augmented Reality: Misconceptions and how to get started

In this piece, Yasmin shares about the common misconceptions that brands associate with AR marketing and how brands can invest …

Behind the hype of NFT marketing- What brands should look out for

In this piece, Yan Jun discusses the good and bad of NFT marketing and outlines the steps brands can take before venturing into …

Could TikTok be the future of B2B marketing? How B2B brands use TikTok to differentiate

TikTok has transformed marketing and advertising practices around the world as we know it. Whether home-based or otherwise, …

3 lessons on pivoting fundraising campaigns online during Covid-19

Covid-19 has reinvented the ways of giving and accelerated the adoption of virtual events.

Is our lifestyle sustainable? Greening the Earth one conscious choice at a time

“Reduce, reuse, recycle” – these are three words that we have heard repeatedly all our lives. From government-led initiatives to …

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